Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bad weather delays cotton cultivation

Newindpress, 29th June, 2008
Express News Service

BHAWANIPATNA: Cotton sowing in Kalahandi has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions. This kharif, it was targeted to cover 23,000 hectares under cotton cultivation.As per agriculture department sources, so far sowing in 50 percent of the targetted land has been completed and land preparation for the rest has been completed up to 80 percent.The remaining work has been disrupted due to cyclonic weather since second week of June. Sowing of seeds should be completed by June last week and if the process is extended beyond this period, it would affect boll busting stage of the cotton plant.At this time, when demand for quality seeds is high, some traders are trying to introduce BT cotton in Kalahandi clandestinely though it is not permitted.Recently, a consignment of BT cotton of a seed company of Secundrabad, was seized by agriculture officials here. So far, no trader has claimed the seized cotton seeds.

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