Friday, May 29, 2009

A Good Move by Dr. Manmohan Singh in the Government

Though I did not like Ms Sonia Gandhi, Mr Rahul Gandhi and Dr. Manmohan Singh for not giving adequate and good representation from Orissa and ignoring Bhakta Charan Das in the union cabinet;

I appreciate Kapil Sibal as Union Minister of Human Resource Development and Kamal Nath as Union Minister of Highway & Surface Transport.

Both these ministries, Ministry Human Resource Development and Ministry of Highway & Surface Transport, were occupied by people who were thinking these ministries as their respective personal properties rather than that of the whole nation in the previous UPA Government.

Kapil Sibal and Kamal Nath are two personalities in the Government, personally I think, can rise above state lobby and make a fair deal for all the regions/states in the nation.

I wish Prime Minister could have done similar thing for Ministry of Railway. For Mamata Benerjee, Railway is a state property of West Bengal. Earlier she had delibartely neglected interest of Orissa during NDA Government. Mamata Banerjee and Lalu Yadav were among those ministers who work only for their respective state's interest rather than for the whole nation.

I hope Mamata Benerjee wins West Bengal state election in a year, so that Dr Monmohan Singh do not need to follow rule of poltical-compulsion, and replace unin ministry of Railway with another personality like Kamal Nath or Kapil Sibal.

Basic Rule: Ministries related to infrastructure and education should not be given to regional parties, as they may misuse in favor for their state by neglecting requirements other states. An example, railway minstry has been neglecting Orissa's KBK region and Chhattisgarh since independence, where has Bihar and West Bengal have contineously received the most favored deal by Indian Railway.

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