Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cold wave grips Orissa

Expressbuzz, Nov 28, 2009

BHUBANESWAR: A cold wave swept across western and interior Orissa as mercury level dropped below normal.Large parts of Sambalpur, Balangir, Kalahandi and Phulbani experienced cold conditions even as India Meteorological Department predicted that the cold wave will prevail for the next 48 hours over some parts of interior Orissa.At 8.5 degrees Celsius, Phulbani was the coldest. At least three other places recorded 9 degrees Celsius on Thursday night. While Bhawanipatna recorded 9.6 degrees C, the lowest temperature (9.3 degrees C) was recorded at Sambalpur. At Balangir, mercury level stood at 9.9 degrees C.Most parts in northern Orissa such as Sundargarh, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj and Deogargh too experienced cold conditions recording temperature a little above 10 degrees C.Meanwhile, Bhubaneswar also recorded one of its coldest nights in November in the last one decade when mercury read 14.1 degrees C on Friday. Since 1999, Bhubaneswar has recorded 14 degrees C only twice during November - in 2002 and 2005. However, temperature recorded on Friday night was among the lowest.

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