Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Letter to CM: No rationality while recommending High Court Branch in Berhampur for South Orissa

Map showing RDC (South Orissa)

Dear Honroable Chief Minister Shri Patnaik,

If South Orissa gets a High Court Branch, then why should it be located in Berhampur? Map of Southern RDC of Orissa is attached for reference.

It is not a secret that Orissa Government is partial towards Berhampur, Chief Minister of Orissa has even recommneded to have a branch of High Court in his home district without understanding the need of the whole area.

There is no logic why Berhampur should be chosen in South based on distance and geography. The map also clearly shows most backward districts (yellow), backward districts (pink) and avergare districts (light blue) of Orissa. Ganjam is a average district and Behrmapur is 170 km from Bhubaneswar (the distance between Angul and Bhubaneswar). Berhapur has exceptionally used South Orissa tage to its own development without impacting development of whole region. We do not have problem if Behrmpur is developed as a city like Rourkela in Orissa, but its not at all suitable as regional station for South Orissa.

If distance, geography and need of deprived are not taken care, then why should we have a separate branch? If people of South Orissa can travel to Berhampur, then why not Bhubaneswar, which has better communication (goldenquadrangle highways), trains and take less than few hours from Berhampur?

Such decision remind me when Biju Patnaik had said to agitating people in BHAWANIPATNA in ealry 1990s for a University demand: "HE CAN"T MAKE UNIVERSITY IN EVERYBODY'S KITCHEN YARD"


The political depravity and favoritism should be stopped by Orissa Government. In the name of South Orissa most of the faciltites are provided in Berhampur which hardly benefited the region. The RDC located in Berhmpur is unable to monitor work in Kalahandi, Nuapada, Boudh, Nabarangpur etc and lots of central Govt grants are returning back. The progress is much slower than expected.

Orissa Govt should awake now. The RDC should be relocated and High Court branch should be rather be located in the central location of South Orissa which can directly boost all the region. Attached map is a reference as the most backward districts of the state are intelecutally marginalized by the Government itself.

Thank you and best regards


  1. Utter Non sense. Kalahandi has no business deciding where the HC bench of South Orissa is going to be established. If at all people of Kalahandi want the bench for western orissa at Bhawanipatna then they are welcome to do so. But, trying to foil the long drawn agitation for HC Bench at Berhampur for the southern region will be met with stiff resistence. HC Bench at Berhampur is non-negotiable and if that demands sacrifices then people of south Orissa are reday to make that.

  2. I have clearly said if Kalahandi, Nuapada and Boudh comes under Western Orissa High Court Branch, then South Orissa High Court Branch should come in Rayagada as its convenient to all parts of South Orissa. Whether its non-negotiable or NOT, its day light robbery and corruption to have High Court Branch in Berhampur meant for whole South Orissa. People in undivided Koraput suffers a lot if it is made in Berhampur. It is totally nonsense to demand HC Branch for South Orissa in Berhampur rather than Rayagada or Bhawanipatna.
