Saturday, July 24, 2010

Response to few emotional comments: HC Branch of South Orissa should come in central location

Don't play with the sentiments of the people of south orissa and Berhampur
By Pabitra on 7/24/2010 2:34:05 PM (The Pioneer, Bhubaneswar edition)

This is simply non-sense and it is very much clear that if the High Court Bench will be established in any place then it is in Berhampur and any move to deny Berhampur and South Orissa their right to justice will be fercely opposed. The NRO should know that it is not in any one's interest to play with the sentiments of the people, else every action will be matched with equal and opposite reaction.

Concentrate on your teaching mr. professor
By Surja Patra on 7/24/2010 2:09:59 AM (The Pioneer, Bhubaneswar edition)

It is ridiculous to complicate the high court bench to somewhere else than berhampur. first of all politics by the bar in cuttack is an impediment to setting up the bench in berhampur. Berhampur being connected very well to all places in south orissa is the best place. Else Cuttack is better than some interior place in south orissa. Mr Prof you seem to be getting newspaper space for some good ideas and some ridiculous idea as this. practice what you preach.

Anonymous said... (in Kalahandia blog)
Has Bhawanipatna not got everything in the name of Kalahandi? Does Bhawanipana town with all the facility reflect the truth of Kalahandi? First let a portion of these go to other towns of Kalahandi. I thnik that
Titlagarh should be made the district headquarter of Kalahandi instead of Bhawanipatna.

Anonymous said... ((in Kalahandia blog)
Utter Non sense. Kalahandi has no business deciding where the HC bench of South Orissa is going to be established. If at all people of Kalahandi want the bench for western orissa at Bhawanipatna then they are welcome to do so. But, trying to foil the long drawn agitation for HC Bench at Berhampur for the southern region will be met with stiff resistence. HC Bench at Berhampur is non-negotiable and if that demands sacrifices then people of south Orissa are reday to make that. 

It is also equally important others do respect sentiment of others. Reactions will be there, so the counter reactions, but truth remains as it is. It is incorrect to say Berhampur is well connected in South Orissa, if so Cuttack too, as Cuttack and Berhampur enjoy best possible communication in Orissa in terms of road and railways, why does Berhampus need a HC branch in the name of South Orissa?

Berhampur has been (mis)using South Orissa tag in its favor like a burglar.

A GOAT remains a GOAT even if many blind & emotional people term it a LAMB.

Berhmapur is above 400 km from many locations in Nabarangpur, Malkangiri, Nuapada and Boud, above 300km from Koraput, above 200 km from Kalahandi, Rayagada and Kandhamal. All these people in undivided Kalahandi Koraput and Kandhamal (KKK) suffer due to poor connectivity and administration from Berhampur. Berhampur is too far from Nuapada, Boudh, Nabarangpur, Malkangiri, Koraput, etc. (refer to the map given in link below)

Titilagarh is in Balangir. Bhawanipatna is central place in Kalahandi (correction: earlier I had mentioned Junagarh without referring map). Raja medical college is in Junagarh block, people in Kalahandi are proposing to have Agri Univ, KV in Dharamgarh (other Sub-division). Kalahandi Festival is celebrated both in Bhawanipatna and Dharamgarh. Kalahandi people were demanding to make Model College and polytechnic in Dharamgarh but Govt made polytechnic college in Bhawanipatna. 

I have clearly said if Kalahandi, Nuapada and Boudh comes under Western Orissa High Court Branch, then South Orissa High Court Branch should come in Rayagada as its center and convenient to all parts of South Orissa.

Whether it’s non-negotiable or NOT, it is day light robbery and corruption to have High Court Branch in Berhampur meant for whole South Orissa. People from Koraput, Nabarangpur, Malakngiri,  Kalahandi, Nuapada, and Boudh suffer a lot when things are made in Berhampur. It is totally nonsense to demand HC Branch for South Orissa in Berhampur rather than Rayagada or Bhawanipatna. 

As a historical city it offers many things, but its not the case here.

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