Friday, July 9, 2010

Mining as issue

Economic Times, July 9, 2010
An amazing lack of socio-cultural sensitivity is provoking endless controversy and delaying much-needed investment in Kalahandi, one of our most backward — albeit mineral-rich — districts.

The proposal of Vedanta Aluminium to source bauxite ore for its alumina refinery at Lanjigarh, Kalahandi, cannot be faulted on technical grounds; the region has some of the world’s best deposits.

But to insist that the mining site be on top of the Niyamgiri hills, considered sacred by the local Dongria Kondhs, seems to be the height of insensate policy. After all, there are proven deposits of bauxite along large tracks in Orissa: including in Rayagada and Sundergarh districts; the Panchapatmali deposit in Koraput district is said to be the largest single deposit globally.

Neighbouring Kalahandi also has significant bauxite; however, to undertake intensive mining activity in Niyamgiri in the first place would alienate and deprive the tribals of a sacred space and cannot but harmfully affect the larger regional population . The idea that industrialisation must necessarily erase ancient myths needs to be nipped in the bud.

What’s required is sustainable development, so as to improve the quality of life and provide a range of opportunities for societal advancement. Vedanta is already doing some developmental work in Kalahandi. But the move of group company Sterlite Industries and the Orissa Mining Corporation of the Orissa government to form a joint venture to mine on Niyamgiri is clearly cutting it fine.

Reports say conveyor infrastructure from the proposed mining site, complete with 47 pillars, to the refinery in the foothills has already come up, well before stage-II environmental clearance for the project. This is gross. Project promoters say bauxite is at present being sourced from Chhattisgarh and mining in Niyamgiri is required for logistical reasons.

But Sterlite reportedly has a mining lease in the Panchapatmali deposit, along with Nalco, Hindalco, Indal , etc. Also, ore can well be explored elsewhere in Kalahandi , beyond Niyamgiri. Show some sensitivity, please.

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