Thursday, March 18, 2010

An eye opening visit to Nakarundi, Thuamul Rampur: No roads but a great initiative by a private NGO for primary health in this most remote location

Thanks to Shri Prasanta Panda, we travelled together more than 20 km in similar road (some places were worst and sloppy but could not take picture) to reach thess places in a motor bike.

Roads in Nakarundi
Primary Health Center in Nakarundi
Primary Health Center in Nakarundi-to the below right hand corner part of abulance can be seen

Where is work except sign board?

These moutains have huge reserve of bauxites which have bee leased out to a company (probably L & T) to establish industry in Rayagada. I was told, there is a huge plain area, about ~ 25 km, on the top of the mountain used for cattles by local population. Of course, mining will destroy the enviornment of this bakcward pocket without benefiting much to the local population. Locals even do not know how to protest against this exploitation, only answer I got was Government is taking away things from them to establish industry in Rayagada region. One thing came to my mind, why industries are not being established in this backward region in return of mining and environment, instead of Rayagada?


Sandip K. Dasverma said...

Dear Digambar babu:
I saw your postings and even the clip on U-Tube. You are doing a great job in bringing issues of the district to public knowledge.
How ever I think if you don't build from the bottom, schools being open, it will not benefit the local people. The possibility of Rail car factory at Kalahandi will enhance industrialization but we need to prepare locals for that starting with primary education and secondary education in next few years.
Thank you.

Digambara Patra said...

Dear Sandip Babu,
I completely agree with you. Education, primary, secondary and even college, has seriously detoraited qualitatively recently, this is serisouly area of concern for the KBK region. But it has to work out in the ground level, otherwise it will not work. Since its a general problem of whole state lets do something together.

Unless state Govt favors Kalahandi, Wagon factory could be a distant dream, I hope it materializes with state govt support.
With best regards