Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Orissa MPs: Learn from counterparts in AP

Take a cue from Andhra!, July 8, 2009

If you do not have original ideas, there is nothing wrong in copying somebody’s action.

Take the case of the Members of the Parliament (MP) from Andhra Pradesh.

Being ignored in the Railway Budget, all the MPs of neighbouring Orissa, rushed to Mamta Banerjee for an audience.

They waited patiently for an opportune moment to pamper, cajole and convince the Union Minister for Railways that the Centre has neglected their state.

After waiting for 3 days, they received the audience and presented their memorandum to give Rs.1000 crore for the development of the state.

They said that “Didi you will be no more Railway Minister next year as West Bengal is waiting for you as Chief Minister”.

Apparently happy over the sweet-talks, Mamta asked all of them to meet her after the debate and promised to grant favour.

However the BJD MPs from Orissa seemed satisfied by giving bytes to the electronic media that Centre is apathetic towards the cause of the state.

And Congress MP from Kalahandi raised his feeble voice of alleged neglect of Western Orissa on railways front.

But there was no initiative to convince the Railway Minister and press for the demands like the MPs of neighbouring states, said a political observer.

And for public consumption, BJD staged 2-hours long (10 am-12 pm) state wide Rail Roko on 7 July.

Chief Minister as usual issued a statement saying that Centre is repeating its step motherly attitude towards the state.

Political pundits and experts on infrastructure feel that the regional outfit is not at all serious about the issues hampering the growth of the state.

By issuing letters and making statements in media, one can not influence the Centre, feel they.

It is high time the Chief Minister and MPs from the state must sit down with Mamta to get their due share from the Railways, advised a former Minister Railways.

And stop playing to the gallery!!!!

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