Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vedanta to work for control of Tuberculosis in Lanjigarh

Orissadiary.com, July 6, 2009

Lanjigarh: Tuberculosis remains a major public health problem in Lanjigarh block of Kalahandi District, especially amongst the tribal population. Vedanta Aluminium Limited has proactively partnered with District Tuberculosis Control Cell and International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases to control of tuberculosis and lung disease in Lanjigarh block. The program was launched on July 3, 2009 at the conference hall of Vedanta Guest House. A training cum sensitization program on control of tuberculosis and lung diseases was also organized on the day. Total 36 paramedical staff and doctors participated in the training program.

Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Chief Operating Officer said, “Preserving Health of Local community, promoting a healthy life style and developing a healthy community in Lanjigarh Block are our priorities. Vedanta is committed to develop a positive health culture in Lanjigarh and will make all effort to ensure the same.” Dr. Subhransu Pradhan, District Tuberculosis Officer and Mr. Gayadhar Mallik, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases were participated in the program. Dr. Pradhan stressed on timely referral, case detection and complete treatment with help of DOTS Provider for successful control of this disease. Mr. Gayadhar Mallik stressed upon participatory approach and capacity building from all front and social mobilization and community participation.

Vedanta will integrate the TB Control initiative in its health service and the medical team members of the company will ensure timely referral of suspected cases in all the villages of Lanjigarh Block. The members of the mobile health unit team and paramedical staff of the company will act as DOTS Provider for any case detected in all these villages. The team will be lead by Dr. Sabita Swain, Chief Medical Officer, VAL, Lanjigarh. The medical team of the will also generate awareness among the public about the killer disease.

Vedanta started several disease focused interventions in Lanjigarh block. After launching program on malaria control and eye care for children, the company started this program on Tuberculosis. Very soon, the Aluminium Company is also going to lunch Safe Motherhood Program for Lanjigarh Block in partnership with White Ribbon Alliance and will continue its fight against Malaria, Scabies and other Skin Diseases, Malnutrition and preventable Blindness, added Dr. Mukesh Kumar.

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